The Truth About Men’s Hair Replacement

mens hair replacement new orleans louisianaYou might be like lots of men and realize you’re experiencing men’s hair loss. But don’t let men’s hair loss define you or cramp your style. First things first, don’t let it affect your self-esteem or the way you feel about your masculinity. One of the best things you can do is educate your self about hair loss and why it makes you feel insecure, what conditions may be the cause of your hair loss and what step you can take to help regrow your hair. You may discover the best hair replacement for men might be closer than you think.

Don’t Let Men’s Hair Loss Define You

Ok, your hair is getting a little thin, you can either choose to not let it define you or make it be the reason you withdrawal from society. You can look for a solution to help you regrow your hair. It is important to accept yourself. Take a step back and realize that the amount of hair on you head has absolutely nothing to do with who you are. Also take a step back and realize that going bald isn’t a choice, but staying bald is a choice. There are tons of amazing men’s non-surgical hair replacement solutions available and it’s important that you educate yourself about what’s out there and which solutions might be right for you.

Why Am I Losing My Hair?

If you’re one of the many men that is struggling with male pattern baldness, you may ask yourself, “Why me?” Well, there is some good news. There are variety of genetic factors and medical conditions are responsible for most occurrences of baldness in men. Male pattern baldness sufferers have inherited hair follicles that are genetically sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). What this means is that over time the hair follicles will get smaller and have a shorter life span. Other causes of men’s hair loss can be certain diseases, side effects of medication and even stress. There is also the fact it is simply genetic.

Look Guys — I’m Bald (Not)

It might seem embarrassing but it is important for you to discuss your thinning hair with friends and family. Not only can doing this help you to realize your thinning hair doesn’t mean your youth is gone. It might just help other men around you to open up about their hair loss. You may find you may have the same insecurities.

Men’s hair loss solutions that focus on restoring hair growth can often resolve most incidents of men’s hair loss. Whether you’re just starting to see early signs of male pattern baldness or you’ve lost the majority of your hair, Hair Styles Unlimited in Kenner (New Orleans), Louisiana offers non-surgical hair replacement for men with different degrees hair loss.

If you are experiencing any form of hair loss, we have many hair replacement options for men and beautiful hair loss solutions for women that can help. We invite you to contact us today.