Alopecia Hair Loss & Relationships

Alopecia and Personal Relationships

Whether you’re currently in a relationship or seeking one, thinning hair and baldness can make it stressful. In a perfect world, we wouldn’t judge others or ourselves on aesthetics. But, if you’re living with alopecia areata for female hair loss, you’re probably working through a range of emotional reactions. Your partner is also learning how to cope with your hair loss. And for many, it can be an emotionally bumpy ride. Learning about different ways to address hair loss in your current or future relationships can relieve a boatload of stress and anxiety. Specifically, increasing communication in your relationship is one way to increase intimacy and decrease worry and anxiety.

Talk, talk, talk!

Communication is an essential part of getting close to another person. Often, topics are passed by in relationships because of fear, shame, and embarrassment over their content area. Hair loss is one of those topics, especially for women. It’s no secret that standards for hair are quite different for men and women in our society. That should not be the case in your relationship. Instead, the space you share with your partner is one place where you can be your authentic self. If you’re feeling depressed and blue, pull your partner aside and share your emotions. Ask your partner about his/her worries, fears, joys, and ideas. Many people wait for an invitation to share themselves with their partner. Invite intimacy by remaining curious about your partner’s reaction to your hair loss. Even though it may be challenging, work to really listen to your partner rather than judging him/her.

Finding the Right Hair Loss Solution

Talking about emotions is only one critical part of communication about hair loss. Discussing factual information is also important. There is a lot of information “out there” today and a lot of hair loss treatment claims that seem too good to be true (and usually are).  It is important for you to find answers that you can trust and solutions that work for you.  That’s where a trusted hair loss professional with a proven track record can be a real life saver, helping you sift through all the competing claims and offering you genuine hair loss solutions and treatment options that will actually work for you.

Hair loss takes a significant toll on women’s emotional and psychological wellbeing.  According to a 1999 study published in the Journal of Women’s Health and Gender-Based Medicine, hair loss in women was associated with self-consciousness, jealousy and a feeling of powerlessness. If you’re living with alopecia areata or any condition that causes female hair loss or thinning hair, it’s time to take back your life. Far too many women are diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders as a result of hair loss.

The American Academy of Dermatology reports that women are less able to cope with hair loss than men. Women are also less accepting of hair loss and they report lower levels of self-confidence. These findings do not demonstrate a weakness within you as a woman. Rather, they are a reflection of our society, which often places an inordinate value on women’s appearance. “It’s totally acceptable for a man to be bald,” says Dr. Brad Limmer. “It’s not a socially acceptable thing for a woman. So much emphasis and value is placed on a woman’s “crowning glory,” it is hard to even compare the impact on men and women.”

There are many excellent and proven hair loss solutions for women with thinning or balding hair. Women should no longer suffer in silence, especially with the array of hair loss treatment options and hair integration and replacement solutions available today.

With over 30 years experience, we have the experience to address every type of hair loss from male pattern baldness, to female hair loss and thinning hair. Our professional staff will help you identify the best approach and answer your questions. We encourage you to consider making an appointment for a free hair loss evaluation and consultation today.